Setting corporate objectives is all about creating a vision upon which the people behind a business are willing to embark. Targets may translate in realistic pursuits, the fruit of collective aspirations stemming from everyday needs and realities. Every business with an eye to the future is bound to harbor its own objectives and ours could not be an exception,

A fundamental objective and standard aspiration of ours is that of maintaining the “KOUNAKIS” brand name at the highest possible level of respectability. As the actual managers of this chain of outlets, we are committed to the preservation of this brand name given the identifiability it bestows upon our trade and the credibility it reflects upon our actual and potential clientele.

Honesty and reliability have been but some of the values inspiring the long history of our chain of stores, central as they have always been to the management spirit of our business. These are the same values we have always relentlessly and consistently applied in dealing with our customers, our collaborators as well as with our suppliers. To us, it is a status quo that we, the successors of a long tradition, mean to maintain.

The selection of our cooperation schemes, past and present, with a wide array of houses present in the domains of our trade has always been anything but random. Every choice in that sense has been the fruit of meticulous pondering and weighing of a long series of factors and conditions. This is a rule we have decided always to apply. This is why we may guarantee that in whatever cooperation scheme we may embark upon in the future, the same criteria of serious assessment and pondered decision-making will be met. We aim at maintaining those cooperation schemes already in effect while at the same time endeavoring to strike new, just as important deals in that sense.

Amongst the traits known to bestow businesses a future, are development and innovation. These are indeed two of the characteristics one is certain to discover in the course followed by our chain of outlets over time, which explains why we have chosen to heavily invest in such two pillars within the context of our plans for the years to come. Development and innovation are therefore setting the pace in the assessment of our every need, inspiring us in the choices to be made for actions bound to bring about the desired outcome.

Yet another objective, of equal importance to us as well as to our collaborators, is a consistent dedication to the object of our activities. Nothing of what we have been so blessed to inherit would have been made possible, had such dedication ever ceased to be relentless. This indeed explains the long years of presence of our firm. To us, dedication is all about information, service, learning and perseverance in the pursuit of all of our objectives.

As the successors to this trade, we have also come into a series of quite important assets, such as knowhow, discretion, trust and specialization. We are now aiming at further developing all such assets to the ideal maximum.

Last but not least, there is an objective known to encompass the dearest aspirations of any tradesman, a value likely to warrant the future of one’s enterprise: expansion. The idea sprang as we contemplated on the endurance of our business through time and further on the hardships that the financial dire straits we are currently crossing imply for commerce. Our outlets are therefore ready to expand in new geographical areas, entering in cooperation schemes with new customers, suppliers and valuable partners in trade.

Sincerely yours,

Panagiotis & Theodora Kounakis